Tricks for Malaysia Halal Certification

Several considerations should be considered by enterprises while preparing for Malaysia Halal certification. The Malaysia Halal Certification procedure is governed by the Malaysian Department of Islamic Development (JAKIM) and entails satisfying particular conditions. The following are the most important variables to consider:

Halal Prerequisites

Learn about the Halal standards established by JAKIM. Understanding Halal principles, forbidden chemicals, allowed methods, and other criteria linked to the manufacturing, storage, and handling of Halal products is all part of this.

Halal Assurance System

Halal Training and Education

Give your staff Halal training and education to ensure they understand Halal regulations and their roles in ensuring Halal integrity. This covers instruction on Halal practices, hygiene, and cleanliness, as well as the need for Halal certification.

Verification of Ingredients and Suppliers

Production Plant

Documentation and record keeping

Application for Halal Certification

Submit a comprehensive and correct Halal certification application to JAKIM. Provide all relevant papers and information, such as your Halal Assurance System, production methods, ingredient specifics, and supporting documentation.

Halal Audit

Prepare for a Halal audit performed by JAKIM or its authorised agents. The audit will include a thorough visit to your manufacturing facilities, a review of paperwork, interviews, and sample testing. Participate completely in the audit and rectify any non-compliance concerns as soon as possible.

Ensure that your goods meet Malaysian standards, such as Malaysian Standard MS 1500:2009 – Halal Food – Production, Preparation, Handling, and Storage – General Guidelines.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

Once certified, set up frequent monitoring and review methods to assure continuous Halal compliance. Improve your Halal Assurance System on a continuous basis based on feedback from audits, consumer feedback, and industry advancements.

Businesses may boost their chances of acquiring Malaysia Halal certification for their goods by considering these considerations and according to the rules established by JAKIM.

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